The branch of science dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases is called dermatology. The skin, which is in constant contact with the external environment, shows discomfort due to many environmental and chemical factors. These discomforts on the skin sometimes cause aesthetic problems and sometimes cause health problems, negatively affecting daily life.
In order to become a dermatologist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders, it is necessary to study medicine for 6 years and to receive specialization training in this field for 4 years.
Disorders of the dermatology department, which is involved in the diagnosis and diagnosis of all skin diseases; pimples (acne), birthmarks, fungal disease, psoriasis, syphilis, eczema, venereal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, all nail disorders, wart moles, aphthae, Behçet's disease, hair diseases (hair loss, dandruff), sun allergy diseases such as excessive sweating, excessive hair growth.
How Are Dermatological Diseases Treated?
First of all, the diagnosis of dermatological diseases is made, and then drug treatment is recommended to the patient. In cases where drug treatment is not sufficient, dermocosmetic applications are performed. Some of the treatment methods applied in the dermatology clinic are as follows;
Investigating and treating the Causes of Hair Loss
Causes such as stress, seasonal changes, hormonal imbalances, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause hair loss. Hair loss problem can sometimes be seasonal. Although this situation is temporary, it is absolutely necessary to be examined by a dermatologist for long-lasting hair loss.
Investigating the Causes of Excessive Hairiness
The problem of excessive hair growth is a health problem that is seen in women as well as in men and affects the person aesthetically. Hair loss is caused by hormonal disorders and genetic factors. In order to be able to treat hair hair growth, the factors that cause hair growth should be determined and eliminated in the first place. Epilation is a very successful treatment for excessive hair growth.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is an extremely effective and reliable application to permanently get rid of unwanted hair all over the world. The laser epilation method, which is used quite frequently, is performed with a device suitable for the skin type of the person, in a hygienic environment and under the control of experts.
Excessive Sweating Treatments
Excessive sweating, known as hyperhidrosis in the medical language, is a condition that negatively affects a person's daily life and social activities. Excessive sweating is often seen in the armpits, palms and soles of the feet. Stress, excitement, excessive emotionality are among the factors affecting the disease.
Cosmetic Dermatology
All non-surgical procedures applied by dermatologists to protect and beautify the skin cover the field of cosmetic dermatology.
Chemical Peeling Applications
The process of removing problems such as spots and color unevenness on the skin surface is called chemical peeling. It is a skin rejuvenation process that must be applied by a specialist dermatologist.
Treatment of Skin Spots
Skin spots occur in certain areas due to reasons such as sun rays, birthmarks, burn marks, etc., of the melanin substance that gives the skin its color. Scars such as freckles, birthmarks, and sunspots can be permanently removed by treating them with the right method by the physician.
Wrinkle Treatment
Wrinkles that occur due to aging and mimic repetition can be removed by many non-surgical methods applied in dermatology clinics. The doctor decides which technique to use, taking into account factors such as the patient's skin type, the area where the wrinkle occurs, the degree of wrinkling, and the age of the patient.
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DETAILFrequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal
The laser works through a mechanism called Selective Photo-Thermolysis (selective destruction by light heat). When a laser shot is applied to the skin, the light passes through the skin in milliseconds without being absorbed, but is absorbed by the hair root and hair shaft and causes the destruction of the hair root by generating high heat inside the hair root.
DETAILBefore and After Laser Hair Removal
Laser epilation should be performed in licensed health centers with the permission of the Ministry of Health, under the supervision of a doctor and with laser epilation devices in accordance with international standards. If these standards are not followed, you may encounter irreversible health problems.
A cream containing local anesthetic is applied to the area to be filled 30 minutes before the application. Fillers are applied to the skin with fine needles. The processing time is on average 20-30 minutes. While the treatment is simple and reliable, the results are also immediate.
Oba Mah.Eğriköprü Cad. 225. Sokak Summer Park Busines Center B Blok No:29 Alanya/Antalya (Yeni Belediye Binası Karşısı)
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